
A photograph is a visible image originating from the action of light or other forms of radiant energy upon a photographic medium or device.

Electronic Digital Photographic Image

A photograph that is presented by electronic digital means.



Any subject that is treated pictorially, embodying the elements of good design, arrangement, or composition, which reflects the personal interpretation of the photographer.


Any photograph containing shades of only one colour. If toning is carried out, it must be over the total photograph – partial toning and/or the addition of one extra colour is not acceptable in a monochrome section.


Any photograph that is not monochrome. It includes a monochrome photograph that has been partially toned or had colour added.

Nature and Wildlife

Images used in Nature Photography competitions may be divided in two classes: Nature and Wildlife.

Nature photography: records all branches of natural history except anthropology and archaeology. This includes all aspects of the physical world, both animate and inanimate, that have not been made or modified by humans.

Nature images must convey the truth of the scene that was recorded. A well-informed person should be able to identify the subject of the image and be satisfied that it has been presented honestly and that no unethical practices have been used to control the subject or capture the image. Images that directly or indirectly show any human activity that threatens the life or welfare of a living organism are not allowed.

The most important part of a Nature image is the nature story it tells. High technical standards are expected, and the image must look natural. Objects created by humans, and evidence of human activity, are allowed in Nature images only when they are a necessary part of the Nature story. Photographs of human-created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domesticated animals, human-created hybrid animals and mounted or preserved zoological specimens are not allowed.

Images taken with subjects under controlled conditions, such as zoos, are allowed.
Controlling live subjects by chilling, anaesthetic or any other method of restricting natural movement is not allowed.

Modification that changes the truth of a Nature image is not allowed. Images may be cropped but no other technique that removes, adds or moves any part of the image is allowed.

Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust spots, digital noise and lens flare are allowed.

Complete conversion of colour images to greyscale monochrome is allowed. Partial conversion, toning and infrared captures or derivations is not allowed. Multiple images of the same subject that are combined in camera or with software by focus stacking, exposure blending or stitching (images taken consecutively and combined by overlapping) is allowed.

Wildlife Photography: In addition to the restrictions on Nature photography, to be eligible for any Wildlife award images must meet the following conditions:

(a)   Zoological organisms must be living free and unrestrained in a natural or adopted habitat of their own choosing.

(b)  Images of zoological organisms that have been removed from their natural habitat, are in any form of captivity or are being controlled by humans for the purpose of photography are not allowed.

(c)   Botanical organisms may not be removed from their natural environment for the purpose of photography.

(d)  Images that have been staged for the purpose of photography are not allowed.

Vignetting and Borders:  Vignettes are not allowed in Nature images.  Any border added must be a single border of white or grey, no greater than 3-5 pixels in width.  Single black borders of the same dimensions are allowed in Prints.


For this exhibition, Scapes - Can be either landscapes or seascapes as defined below 

  • Landscape – A landscape is a photograph of natural scenery with land and sky-based elements displayed in a pictorial fashion.  It may include evidence of man, people, animals, even part of the sea if none of these additional elements dominate the photograph. 
  • Seascape – A seascape is a photograph of natural coastal scenery, a wave study, or a picture of the open sea, provided always that the sea is the centre of interest of the photograph.  People, boats, and man-made structures may be present as incidental to the photograph. 


A photograph of a person or persons that may range from a head study through to filling the entire body length.  This section includes candid photographs and formal portraits.

Photo Travel

An image that expresses the characteristic features or culture of a land as they are found naturally.  There are no geographical limitations and may include pictures of domestic origin.  

Images from events or activities arranged specifically for photography, or of subjects directed or hired for photography are not permitted. Close up pictures of people or objects must include features that provide information about the location.

Techniques that add, relocate, replace or remove any element of the original image, except by cropping, are not permitted.  The only allowable adjustments are removal of dust or digital noise, restoration of the appearance of the original scene, and complete conversion to greyscale monochrome. Other derivations, including infrared, are not permitted.  All images must look natural.

Vignetting and Borders:  Vignettes are not allowed in Photo Travel Digital images.  Any border added must be a single border of white or grey, no greater than 3-5 pixels in width.